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A Brief Introduction about the Art of Wine Tasting

The art of tasting is simply a sensory examination and evaluation of wine. Although wine tasting ideas and practices have existed for many years since wine was created, the official process of wine tasting did not develop until the 14th century. You can consider a high-tech sommelier course at

Today, people are used as professional adapters of wine (yes, this is their "job"!) And use specialized dictionaries to describe the appearance, smell, and taste of wine, as well as the taste, aroma, and general properties of wine. However, there are fewer growth trends in wine distribution focused on the formal process and more on the general and personal evaluation of wines.

  • Blind Testing

Blind tasting doesn't have to be done by people who are visually blind. It is simply a process that allows total impartiality in the tasting process to determine which one is best. This is done during a wine tasting to ensure that the label on the bottle does not appear during the tasting. One way to create blindness is to serve the wine glass dark, although this prevents the taster from seeing the appearance.

  • Horizontally versus Vertically Testing

Contrary to what some might think, tasting horizontal doesn't mean drinking wine while lying on your back (or collapsing on the floor). It seems that the grapes are the entire crop and come from different vineyards in the same area. By keeping the vintage and type of wine the same, the wine-making process can determine the difference between different types of wine. A vertical tasting is used to determine differences in different plants. By tasting the same type of wine which is made from the same grape but with different vintages, the difference between vintages can be determined.