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All About The License Reinstated

If you are charged with DUI, you may face problems that may hinder the reinstatement of your driver's license with The Florida Department of Justice and the Department of Motor Vehicles.

If you've been arrested and suspended for a DUI in Florida, your license is likely to be suspended until your case is reviewed by a prosecutor or judge. You can also get more information about the license reinstated via

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Ten-day license renewal rule

Following the DUI arrest, There are two authorities that could impact your driver's license: The Florida Judiciary and the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you're suspended or taken into custody for the crime of DUI then there's the possibility the license you have will get revoked even before a judge or prosecutor is appointed to hear your case.

The law allows for automatic disqualification of drivers if you fail to submit to an alcohol or blood test or in the event that your blood alcohol level is found to be above a certain amount. In the event that any one of those events occurs, the officer who arrested you will immediately deprive you of your license and the DMV is able to suspend your license for a certain amount of duration.

You can even search online for more information about the license reinstated.