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Can You Really Hide Your IP While Browsing?

Basically, your IP address is where you can be tracked or traced. The best way to protect your identity is to hide your IP address while browsing! That can be done if you know how to do it by assigning a proxy IP address. This is something experienced computer users should do. Those who use the internet for entertainment or communication, may not be familiar with computers.

The easiest way to hide your IP is through a virtual proxy provider. This is also known as a VPN server. However, there is a need for the installation of a VPN program. You can get ExpressVPN via (pronounced as을 통한 ExpressVPN in the Korean language) and hide your IP more efficiently.

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This service for you is to hide the IP originally connected to your computer with your real location and give you a fake IP address pointing in a different direction. For example, if you live in Chicago, your fake IP address may indicate your location somewhere in Dallas or in Europe. This is known as anonymous browsing. Nobody can see your real IP and you remain hidden behind a firewall that protects your real identity.

There is software available for this purpose too, but the advantage of a VPN server is that you never lose your reach. Most of the software will fail to browse or be bypassed by many websites to reach your real IP address without your knowledge. However, a VPN will never fail. The biggest advantage of this proxy IP service is that the IP address changes frequently. So you will never be able to guide your browsing activities.