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Choosing The Right Data Backup Solution

There are a variety of different Backup solutions out there, some free some incredibly costly, some catering to local backups, some designed for offsite.

There are many things to consider when evaluating a back-up solution. Most companies look to strike a balance between protecting their valuable Data from total loss and planning how best to rapidly redeploy saved data in the event of a loss. You can also look for data backup solutions via

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Local Backup – This is a methodology where on a regular basis data is automatically backed up to a local. Local backups allow for the fastest restoring of the data to a new machine (if your server fails). But local backups can be an issue if what caused the systems to fail was something like a fire or natural disaster. Unless the backup media was stored in a separate and safe location it could be lost as well.

Online Backups – Online backups are a great tool for keeping data in a safe and remotely located storage system. Online backups do tend to take more time to be completed; this can be impacted heavily based on the amount of the data being transferred and the internet connection speed.

Virtualization Options – A new and really intriguing option offered by some remote/online backup companies is a feature called Virtualization. Though incredibly expensive, it can be a true lifesaver for those businesses that cannot have any downtime. In essence, they will allow you to use a virtualized machine to allow you to access your data and continue business while your local computer asset is restored to working order.

No matter what solution you choose it is important that you choose some sort of backup strategy for your data, or face a cost to your organization that is many orders of magnitude higher than you might expect.