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Linux Mint Installation Guide

If you thought Linux Mint is the only Ubuntu-based distro that's entirely focused on Windows immigrants, well I can't blame you. Allow me to introduce you to Zorin OS, another operating system also centered on users who are new to the Linux-based computer systems. Its key factor is that it lets users customize their desktop environment to look like macOS, Windows, or Microsoft. It is very stable and secure and provides the same usual desktop user environment, and also comes with free great softwares. With its new release of Zorin OS 15.2, it’s redefining more standard computing experience. To install Linux Mint, you can do a quick Google search and download Rufus by visiting their official website.

rufus for linux

You might wanna try its different versions, featuring the lightweight "Lite", standard "Core" and fully-loaded "Ultimate" and in fact, the developer included the "Education" variant specifically for schools and universities. Like any other Linux distros, it's free of charge whilst Ultimate version as an exception, as it costs exactly $39. Enjoying all the features Linux has to offer, without any restraints or complications. It is so neat and classic, it boasts enhanced security features as the OS claims to be resistant to viruses with its updated patches and softwares, everyone can access its source code which actively supports the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA. As for compatibility, Zorin OS provides flexibility from professional editing softwares or even full Microsoft Office, any heavy applications Zorin OS can run it from Steam if you're a game junkie or Software store.