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Natural Birth – How To Know When It’s Natural

Many people declare that when using medication treatment giving birth, it is no longer considered natural birth. Nowadays, with so many improvements and innovations in modern medicine, there has been an increased number of techniques to give birth other than the usual technique of natural birth.

Sometimes women who give birth receive drugs like morphine and endorphins even during the work process. To get more information about birthing techniques, you may go through

birthing techniques

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What about women who take HypnoBirthing or HypnoBabies courses? Is hypnosis a natural way to give birth? Many would say that it is a natural birth while others do not.

There are increasingly complex methods to give birth such as the cesarean method. Also known as the C-section, there is a procedure where an incision is made in the abdomen of the woman and uterus to deliver the baby.

It is used in cases where the baby is in distress or normal birth is difficult or impossible. This type of delivery is normally considered natural birth.

Whatever type of delivery method is used, either epidural or a cesarean, we often ask questions that serve our criteria perfectly birth program and these are:

1. Does the mother feel she had total control of the method?

2. The method chosen performed as calmly and quietly as possible?

3. Is the mother relaxed feeling throughout the whole process?

4. Did the mother feel a sense of empowerment after delivery?