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Possible Solutions To Overpopulation

Many environmental trends are grim, there exist clear paths forward toward a more sustainable world: one where people steward resources for the future and share habitat and resources generously with other species. All these trends are the solution to overpopulation problems. 

world overpopulation problems

Actions at Individual level

  • You should have fewer children. One is fine, two is sufficient.

  • Consider adoption!

  • Learn and educate yourself about the issues of population.

  • Reducing your personal consumption is easy: go vegan, reduce your flying, share your home with others and more.

  • Share your concern and knowledge with your family and friends, and raise awareness on overpopulation via social media.

Actions at the national level

Governments should consider high-fibre developing countries.

  • Family planning programs can be generously funded

  • Modern contraception should be legalized and made free of charge in all areas, even remote ones.

  • To reduce infant and child deaths, improve health care

  • Restriction of child marriage, and raising the legal age for marriage to minimum 18 years

  • Make compulsory education mandatory for as long as possible, minimum until 16 years old, and provide generous funding to support the infrastructure.

Less crowding, lower demand on natural resources, cleaner air, the return of degraded ecosystems and reduced carbon emissions are just some of the benefits that could be realised over the coming decades by successfully reducing the global human population.