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Some Baking Tips For Gluten-Free Goodies

For health-conscious people with sensitivity to gluten or celiac disease, gluten-free is not just a diet – it’s a way of life. Luckily you don’t have to sacrifice great taste for your good health. Cookies, cakes, and even bread can all be made without gluten.

You can even buy gluten-free food at Also, homemade sweet treats are tastier and can be healthier – because you know exactly what’s inside. The key ingredient is obtaining great gluten-free flour and knowing when to use each type. Here are some that are commonly used:

All-Purpose Gluten-Free Flour – This all-purpose blend found in natural food stores attempts to mimic the properties and performance of standard flour as much as possible. But since it’s not standard flour, you need to test it first to find out how it will perform in your recipe.

Almond Flour – This type of nut flour works well in our gluten-free peach upside-down cake.Caution: it doesn’t work well with yeast bread recipes.

Soy Flour – This whole bean flour is known for making baked goods lighter – such as pizza dough, cookies, banana bread, and cakes. It’s often used as a substitute for regular all-purpose flour.

Gluten-Free Oat Flour – Oats are naturally gluten-free, but look for a brand labeled as such to be sure they were processed on equipment not used for foods containing gluten. Oat flour is very delicious, especially when used in gluten-free oatmeal toffee cookies; however, it doesn’t mimic standard flour in most recipes when used alone.