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Some Great Uses Of Cold Brew Coffee

Everyone who drinks coffee has faced the same question at one point or another – what do you do when a pot of delicious coffee has gone cold? No, putting it into the microwave in order to try to save it doesn't work. 

This is yet another proof that good coffee, whether hot or cold – is the most effective invention since the invention of bread slices.  There are also coffee shops which have started delivering freshly brewed and refreshing cold brew coffee to your doorstep.

cold brew coffee

Get Creative

  • Before you decide to give up or pour cold cup of coffee into the garbage, consider one of these alternatives instead:

  • Make iced tea Naturally! Pour the coffee into an oversized glass with some ice cubes and your preferred sweetener, and sip. 

  • If you are able to manage the calories and have cream whipped in your fridge Add a spoonful or two. It'll add just enough power to make it truly delicious. Vanilla will amp up the flavor further.

  • Add the ice cream of your choice to your cup of coffee. Stir it for a few times, then take a sip of the coffee as it slowly gets flavored by the melt of the ice cream. 

  • It's an absolute delight, particularly for those who love coffee. Simply substitute your coffee for the liquid you need in a jar filled with instant gelatin. 

!It's not that people who love coffee require convincing proof that this is the case, however.