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What To Expect From A 3D Ultrasound

Medical imaging has entered a new era with 3D ultrasound. It looks and feels exactly like a photograph of the unborn child. This breakthrough in imaging technology allows us to see babies' hands, feet, and open their eyes.

It might seem easy to transform the boring grey two-dimensional picture into a three-dimensional world, given that technology is improving every day. To 3D-image the baby, it takes more than a push of a button. You can also get more information about 3D ultrasound studio via

Hospital, institute partner on sonography program

Image Source: Google

These are the things you need to look at when choosing a location for your 3D Ultrasound.

1. Sonographers who are certified, experienced, and patient

Many times, the person performing the study may not be certified. They might lack the skills or expertise necessary to take good images. 

2. Latest equipment

Different places have different equipment. Technology is constantly evolving, so it doesn't matter if the machine is old or new. Many manufacturers now produce ultrasound systems that can create 3D images that can be altered in many ways to give a photo-like image.

3. Time for scan

Be aware of the duration of the session. The scan time may be short and the session could be ended before you get good photos. Ask the clinic if they are flexible about scanning times to accommodate baby hiding. Also, ask if there is a free rescheduling.

Although we all want it to be perfect, the reality isn't always that simple. Particularly when it comes to children.