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Bison – The Other Meat

Bison meat has gained immense popularity and recognition throughout the US in recent years. Bison meat is free of antibiotics, steroids, and supplements to prevent hormonal growth. Bison meat is considered to be "pure."

Bison is the healthiest meat available because it contains less cholesterol and fat than any other protein, though it does contain the same amount of calories as beef. Bison meat can also be healthier for you because it has fewer antibiotics and growth hormones. You can buy bison liver pills through various online resources to get health benefits.

bison liver capsules

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Preparation: The bison meat is much more sensitive to heat, so the higher the temperature, the more likely it will burn and make your meat low in cholesterol. Some of the initial steps you need to follow are: defrost your bison meat in a refrigerator instead of using microwaves and place just enough oil with small amounts of acid on the steak for three minutes for flavor and then grill.

Cooking bison meat is the best to use a grill because of its control. The temperature of heat can accommodate the leanness of the meat.

To cook beef, the temperature should be managed at a medium level and not overcooked. A good way to do this is by turning the frying pan on a stove that can withstand it, then finish cooking the meat on the grill for 30 seconds.