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The Brazilian Wax – All You Need To Know For A New Look!

The Brazilian wax in Hong Kong is now more common than ever with ladies and this article is about how to have Brazilian wax and what to require from the procedure. Having a Brazilian wax is not difficult and most women who have it are delighted with the results as are their partners! There are many salons like Strip: The global experts in hair removal that provide Brazilian wax service.

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How wax is different from bikini wax?

In Brazilian wax hair removal treatment, the waxing is done at the back, front & everything in between. Keep in memory a Brazilian wax eliminates most or all of the pubic hair.

If you want to have a Brazilian wax method then its best to get it done professionally. But if you are doubtful of having one done then try a bikini wax first.

Here's How:

1. The first waxer cuts the hair with a trimmer because the waxing process needs 1.5 inches length of hairs.

2. The safest and professional waxers are active, which cuts down on embarrassment to the patient.

3. The professional will dip a waxing spatula into a container of hot wax & then cover the area to be waxed.

The expert will then apply a tissue strip over the warm wax applied on the skin and then start pressing firmly the cloth so that the cloth, wax and hair stick together completely. 

After this, he will start rubbing on the strip so that the wax cools down. After that, he pulls off the strip quickly with the little force in the opposite direction and removes the hair by the roots.

4. After the process is completed, the waxer will spread lotion onto the area.

That's it!