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Dust Control: A New Look At The Old Standard

Dust control can be defined as the measures and techniques used to maintain a clean work environment. Dust control encompasses everything from regular cleaning and sweeping to the use of dust masks and other respiratory protection. The purpose of dust control is to prevent airborne particles from becoming embedded in surfaces, damaging equipment, and creating health hazards. 

Dust control is also essential for maintaining cleanliness and productivity in a workplace. If you are also looking for a dust control system at your place then hop over to this website.

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Dust control products vary depending on the type of work environment being monitored, but most products fall into one of three categories: 

  • Mechanical sweeping
  • Vacuuming
  • Foot dusting

Benefits of dust control:

Dust control has long been considered the “old standard” for controlling dust levels in manufacturing and other industrial processes. However, this old standard may not be the best approach anymore. In this blog section, we will discuss some of the benefits of using a new dust control technology called aeration.

How to control dust?

Dust control has been a mainstay in industrial and commercial settings for many years. While the traditional methods of dust control – such as using filters and ventilation – are still effective, there is a new way to control dust called smart dust. Smart dust is small, intelligent sensors that can be placed in areas where dust is a concern, and will automatically detect when the level of dust reaches a certain threshold and take appropriate action, such as shutting down operations or releasing a cleaning agent.