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Choose Safe Eyelash Extension Glue For Your Eyes

Lash extensions are individual strands of synthetic or natural hair that you attach to a customer’s eyelash. Unlike temporary extensions that you put on your eyelid, they are semi-permanent. They stick together with a strong adhesive.

Eyelash extension glue is a fast-drying adhesive. Most manufacturers use cyanoacrylate. This is the same ingredient you’ll find in most fast-acting glues. However, the formula is non-irritating and water-resistant to keep the extensions longer.

Every beauty professional has their favorite eyelash extension glue. You need to find a product that you are comfortable with. This means you may need to test different options before finding the best eyelash extension glue.

Use these tips when shopping and comparing brands.

Check the ingredients

You should always check the ingredients list before trying a new eyelash glue. The more chemicals the adhesive uses, the greater the risk of an allergic reaction.

The good news is that many manufacturers offer products that do not contain latex, petrochemicals, or formaldehyde, which are known to cause eye irritation and allergic reactions.

Consistency is important

The viscosity of the glue extender you use is important. The sheer consistency means the product is lightweight, which allows the extensions to last longer.

Products with a higher viscosity may be easier to apply, especially if you are inexperienced, but they may not dry quickly and you should be careful not to use too much glue.

Activation process

As soon as you apply the extension glue, the product activates and forms a secure bond between the lashes and the extension. Glue requires the presence of moisture in the air to be effective. For this reason, it is important to check the recommended temperature and humidity before choosing an eyelash glue.