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How To Prepare Children For School

Here are the answers that should help you shore up your concerns and ease the transition from home to school.

What should I do first?

Fill out the forms. Also, take your child for allergy tests and a medical exam. Include this information. Even if it seems like a lot, it probably isn't. Remember that schools have heard it all and seen it all.

How do I get my child interested in going to school?

The year before going to school, pick twice a week to show him how to make basic educational notebooks for children. Teach your child all the letters, all the numbers up to ten, and teach him how to make worksheets, how to match the same and different.

These twice a week should be without interruptions from other children, but since we know it can be difficult, give the other child something to do in another area. These twice a week should last at least forty-five minutes, which is the length of rather long primary subjects at times. You can get the 3300 form for school through

What does my child need to know in terms of safety?

You should emphasize to them that if they are locked at the end of recess or somehow get lost outside the building, they are supposed to go to the front door. Before school begins, go to the school grounds and do at least nine sessions in which your child walks up to the front door.

In most schools, there are now red codes in which a school practices what to do if a stranger is on the property. These red codes can be stimulating for children and they can speak with enthusiasm. Explain code reds and fire drills. The code reds mean the door is closed and everyone sits and is quiet on the wall farthest from the door.