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Things Every Ontario Driver Should Know About Buying Auto Insurance

If you're looking for a way to save money on your car insurance in Ontario, it might be helpful if you continue reading this article and discover some things about buying auto insurance that you never knew before.

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What you need to know about auto insurance in Ontario

  • Auto insurance is a necessary part of driving in Ontario. Before you buy your policy, you need to know a few things about it.
  • Firstly, you need to understand how much coverage you need. Your policy will list the types of coverage that are included. 
  • Secondly, make sure you understand your deductible. This is the amount you must pay out of your pocket before your insurance covers anything else. 
  • Lastly, be sure to read the fine print in your policy. This includes exclusions and conditions that may affect how your insurance works. 

How car insurance policies work

When you buy car insurance, you are buying protection for your vehicle and yourself in the event of an accident. Car insurance policies work a bit like homeowner's insurance: you pay an initial premium, and then the insurance company pays out on claims made by others in connection with your car.

The amount of coverage you need depends on the make and model of your car, as well as your driving record and other factors. The most important thing to remember is that car insurance is not mandatory in Ontario, but it is a good idea to have it if you drive a car regularly.

Common pitfalls when buying car insurance online

In Ontario, you can buy car insurance online from several different providers. However, there are a few things you should know before you buy car insurance online.

  • Firstly, make sure you have your driver’s license and vehicle registration ready.
  • Secondly, make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the policy you are buying.
  • Finally, be aware of fraudulent practices carried out by some car insurance companies.