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Mole Removal Using Laser Surgery

Laser mole removal is one of the most expensive mole removal procedures and far outweighs the benefits of this procedure because laser mole removal causes the least amount of scarring. 

This surgical procedure works best on black or brown moles and is preferably superficial because the laser does not penetrate deep enough into the epidermis to remove raised moles.

For the face, laser therapy can work very well. Due to the fact that the pain associated with laser surgery is minimal, most patients do not require local anesthesia. You can also find a professional for laser mole removal via

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The most commonly reported tingling sensation is a mild tingling sensation, similar to the feeling of being ripped by a rubber band. Lasers are usually handheld devices that operate at specific wavelengths that destroy pigment while avoiding healthy skin. 

Seals the blood vessels around the mole and vaporizes the skin tissue. This procedure can take up to 30 minutes and you will be treated on an outpatient basis.

After the procedure, a crust forms where the mole is located, which does not persist and usually falls off after a few weeks after healing. 

The advantage of laser mole removal surgery is that no stitches are required as this procedure essentially removes the skin. This procedure also has a high success rate with a lower chance of requiring repeated treatments.