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Important Tips On Rat Control

Rats are the last thing you want to see on your dining table or cupboards in your home again. Don't you hate it when you see someone eating at your table? Rats are evil and dangerous creatures that can threaten your health and property.

Rats have a keen sense of smell to search for food, so the scent of any bait can easily be used to make it more attractive to them. You can also check for the best rat control in Sydney via the web.

Rat Control Service

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A good way to catch mice is to use a wooden trap. It's the kind we always see in cartoons and movies. Not many people use this type of trap as it can only catch one mouse at a time, and others consider this trap low on the human scale as it will kill the animal painfully. 

If you are on the soft side, you can use a sticky board instead. They are made of wood or cardboard and coated with very sticky glue. If a mouse walks on it, it will bite.

If you don't want the mice in your house to die, you can use traps to catch lots of them. The only problem is that you have to go elsewhere to free them, which means they can break into other people's houses or even yours.