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How to Purchase Property in Singapore

Singapore is the perfect place for both worlds to the east and west. Perhaps this is the reason why Asian immigrants want their children to get the best education.

Sentosa Cove is a virtual hub for immigrants who make this closed community in this inner marina their home. Here are some of the key points to consider when buying a property in Singapore. By reading this article you can get the best details about Pullman residences in Singapore and Pullman residences show flat.

How to Purchase Property in Singapore

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• Foreigners in Singapore can buy real estate on land without prior government approval.

• They are also prohibited from buying HDB shops, HDB homes directly from HDB, HDB-approved HDB resale apartments, and condos purchased under the 1996 Condo Executive Housing Scheme.

To protect people from turning over their property, owners who wish to sell an apartment under the age of 3 must pay a resale value levy of 3%. This makes it easy for property owners who buy properties on credit and then sell them quickly for a profit.

• For properties under the Executive Condominium Program, PR can purchase properties in the project that are within the sixth to the tenth year of the provisional or TOP approval. Foreigners and companies; you can only buy EU real estate after the TOP eleventh year.