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Facts About Root Canal Therapy in Portland

What is the root canal therapy, and why is it needed? This treatment is a dental procedure that removes the root of the tooth canal, and it is done so that the tooth can be retained without any pain or discomfort future.

Normally the nerves of the teeth do not cause pain, but when the tooth is damaged, very damaged, or other problems exist when the root of the tooth can become irritated and sensitive, causing pain and possibly other complications. The therapy will save the tooth, eliminating the nerve, so there is no pain.

Root canal treatment is also called endodontic treatment, and that treatment is carried out in case of contamination or damage caused problems within the tooth. Nerve tissue inside your teeth also contains blood vessels and other structures that help your teeth stay strong and healthy.

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All teeth have at least one root canal, and some may have three or four, depending on the type of tooth, size and other factors. The nerve and other tissue are removed from the root for this treatment, and this will avoid future problems or tooth loss.

When causes damage or contamination infection inside the tooth nerve tissue is affected, and this can cause many symptoms such as pain, fever, and severe infection. Contamination and nerve tissue must be removed channels tooth with this therapy, then the tooth should be sealed to prevent future contamination, pain, infection or other problems.