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What Is The Procedure For Prostate Biopsy

Even if your doctor suspects you have prostate cancer, all you need to do is make sure to do a prostate biopsy, which involves taking one or more small samples of tissue from the prostate for microscopic examination. But what is a prostate biopsy procedure? A prostate biopsy is performed by a urologist – a doctor who is trained in urinary problems available at various hospitals. This can be done in three forms. If you are also looking for having biopsy then visit

Debating the Frequency of Biopsy in Monitoring Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Consult QD

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The first type of biopsy called a transrectal biopsy, usually, asks you to kneel, lie on your side, or lie on your back with your legs raised in a pair of stirrups. The doctor will then inject a local anesthetic around the prostate before the procedure begins. A transrectal biopsy is usually performed with a feather needle that is ultrasonically directed at the point where the tissue will be removed. A transrectal biopsy usually takes about 30 minutes.

The second form of biopsy is called a transurethral biopsy, and as the name suggests, a tissue sample is taken through the urethra. A bright band known as a cystoscope is inserted into the urethra which passes through the prostate and then a cutting loop is inserted into the cystoscope and used to collect a sample of prostate tissue. This procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia and usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes.

The third type of biopsy is known as a transperineal biopsy. A small incision is made in the perineum (the area between the anus and the scrotum) and then the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum to hold the prostate in place while inserting a biopsy needle through the incision into the perineum and the prostate inserts a tissue sample to remove it. This type of biopsy takes about 15 to 30 minutes.