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How to Create a Professional Resume

A resume is required when you apply for a job. It is a document that contains all information about your skills, qualifications, and personal characteristics in a professional format. This ensures that the reader has all the necessary information. Your curriculum vitae (CV), is designed to answer any questions the employer may have about the job.

This is professional and formal communication. It is therefore important to have a professional resume. Your resume or CV is the first impression you make on potential employers. Your resume should reflect your professional approach and not be casual. You can click to read more about the services offered by resume writing companies.

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Some resumes don't have a standard format. Fonts, spacing, tabs, and bullets are all important. Keep the fonts, spacing, tabs, and bullets varied throughout your resume. When it comes to professional-looking resumes, the quality of the paper used to print them is also important. Page borders, page backgrounds, etc. Before you start drafting your resume, it is important to think about the page borders and background.


Resume Basics

To present all information in a systematic manner, the resume should be divided into different sections. You must be familiar with the basics of resume writing and style before you can choose the right resume format.

  • Resumes should not be written by hand.
  • Use Times New Roman fonts, Verdana fonts, or Arial fonts. Font size should not exceed 12.
  • Your resume should not be altered in any way.
  • It is better to use 'bold' for headings instead of changing the font size. This will ensure that the font size is consistent throughout.
  • Italics, fancy fonts, and fancy page borders should not be used in your resume.

Your resume should not include any background, watermark, or color. The background should be plain white and the font should be black.

Always print a copy of your resume on good-quality paper before you take a hard copy.