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The State of Primary Care Physicians

In recent years, primary care physicians have faced many challenges in their practice. Many physicians feel frustrated by the high costs of running a medical office. They are unable to provide the care that they believe is needed to make a difference in the lives of patients.

To balance costs, some physicians consider seeing more patients per day. However, this can mean shorter visits to the doctor. Many doctors continue to work in practices that pay less than their specialist colleagues.

The new law governing health care requires that all U.S. citizens have access to health insurance. An additional 32 million people will enroll in some form of a health plan. This is how a prime care doctor in Gilbert will handle it.

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Many doctors are concerned about the quality and the extent of the care their patients will receive. There have been suggestions that patients might want to be able to choose to receive minor medical care at a retail clinic, even if they are not treated by a traditional doctor.

Physician assistants and nurse practitioners have greater medical training than registered nurses. They can provide some routine medical care, such as refilling prescriptions or treating sore throats.

The United States will soon face a shortage of primary care doctors. To ease the burden of their work, more doctors will be able to use a physician assistant or nurse practitioner. Other medical personnel can be used to relieve physicians of routine care and allow them to focus on the medical tasks they are best qualified to do.