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Tips For Choosing Good Wedding Photographer In Gran Canaria

Selecting your wedding photographer is not a difficult task. By learning reasons to have a Gran Canaria wedding photographer (which is known as “motivos para contar con un fotógrafo de bodas Gran Canaria” in Spanish) you will eliminate many of the pitfalls it is so easy to fall into. It is very important that you make your selection of photographer early on in your wedding plans. The best and most popular photographers get booked early, often a year or two in advance. So once you have set your date and arranged the wedding venue, the next thing on your list should be your photographer.

fotografo de bodas gran canaria

It was not uncommon to take a trip to the photographer’s studio either on your wedding day or shortly afterward. The whole business became quite an occasion.

Posing in front of hot studio lights was something you only did on special occasions. It was the only way to get photographs of reasonable quality. Simple cameras were becoming more available to the public, but they were very basic with few control.

Today things are very different. Photography has been turned on its head. Gone are the famous companies like Agfa and Kodak. Film-based photography has been replaced almost entirely by digital technology, the quality of which improves dramatically year by year.

Most people now have a camera of some type and are happy with the pictures they take. Rapid advances in digital imaging have ensured that the ‘auto’ function on your camera will give you an acceptable image. Today you don’t have to worry about shutter speed and ‘f’ stops to get a reasonable picture. Point and shoot is the easy option. However, technical progress does not mean that everyone knows what they are doing