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Types of Drywall in Home Foundation and Construction

For interior walls and ceilings, drywall is the most commonly used material. It also includes wiring and insulation. This can be used in separations for buildings that are fire-rated.

Drywall is a popular choice because of its low cost, ease-of-use, and durability. You can easily find the best commercial drywall contractors near me on various website But please check customer reviews for better experience. Drywall is also known as plasterboard, plasterboard, or gypsum board. It's made, of gypsum plaster (powdered rock) that has been pressed between two sheets of very thick paper. 


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Standard drywall sheets are 4'x8" You may also purchase drywall up to 3/8 inch thick. Other than the different sizes and thicknesses, drywall can also be made in square-edged and taper-edged formats. 

The type of drywall that you choose will depend on the project.

Greenboard is water-resistant drywall. It can be used in areas where moisture is a problem (e.g. is used in areas where moisture is a problem (e.g. bathrooms, kitchens, etc.).

You can also find mold-resistant drywall. Walls and ceilings that are resistant to fire should be made of

If you want to install drywall in high-traffic areas, You can add fibers to the paper and increase the thickness of the gypsum.