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OTC And Prescribed Acid Reflux Medicine

To treat GERD, patients are given several acid reflux drugs that can be purchased without a prescription or as a prescription from a doctor. Drug treatment is aimed at reducing the discomfort and pain associated with the onset of symptoms due to acid reflux, thereby preventing further damage to the esophagus.

Over-the-counter medications for acid reflux are medications that easily come to mind or are recommended by doctors to relieve certain symptoms.


Sometimes episodes of symptoms such as mild dyspepsia or heartburn can be relieved with this type of acid reflux medicine. Antacids neutralize digestive acids in the stomach while strengthening the stomach’s defense mechanism, which causes more mucous membranes and bicarbonate to be secreted.

However, there is also a study that reveals that these antacids can cause if taken for long-term. Due to this reason many people claim a lawsuit against it. If you are also looking for the same then you can get complete information from heartburn drug cancer attorneys about antacid cancer lawsuits before moving ahead.

Heartburn Medication Recall Update | RxWiki

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Proton Pump Inhibitor:

This is a general term used to classify a group of acid reflux drugs that block the function of the gastric proton pump, hence the name. These parts of the stomach pump or release hydrogen ions in the stomach and thus contribute to acidity. Some of the generic groups that fall into this type include omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole, and esomeprazole.

H2 Blocker:

This type of acid reflux medication, also known as a histamine receptor antagonist, can be prescribed without a prescription or in higher doses that require a doctor’s prescription. H2 blockers work by immobilizing the function in histamine. Histamine is a chemical that triggers the release of hydrogen ions in the stomach, making it more acidic. These include ranitidine, nizatidine, and cimetidine.