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Beware Of Hidden Fees When Replacing Windows In CA

When it comes time to replace your car window, take the time to do your research. There are many hidden fees associated with window replacement, and you don't want to fall victim to them. Here are a few things to watch for:

1. Beware of high installation fees: Many companies charge high installation fees, even if the windows themselves are included in the price. This can add up quickly, so be sure to ask about the cost before signing anything. There are many companies which provide the best auto window replacement services in CA such as De Leon Auto Glass.

2. Beware of hidden damages: Sometimes, when a window is replaced, damage is done that wasn't visible before. If you're not comfortable with the work being done, ask the company what they will need from you in order to rectify any hidden damages.

3. Beware of unexpected charges: Many times, companies will tack on additional charges without warning – especially if you need something done that was not originally included in the price of the window replacement service. Make sure you have all of your information written down and ready to go before handing over any money – you may be surprised by what you wind up paying! 

4. Beware of high installation fees and hidden damages: When it comes to car window replacement, don't be fooled by high installation fees or hidden damage. Stick to companies that offer full warranty coverage and licensed and insured professionals who will do the job right.