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Complications of the Foot in Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus has become an issue for modern society and troubles of the feet comprise a major cost of that problem. An entire episode of the podiatry chat, PodChatLive was not too long ago focused on discussing this topic. PodChatLive is a monthly live chat which goes out live on Facebook and then gets published to YouTube as well as other podcast options. In this show on the diabetic foot the hosts, Ian Griffiths and Craig Payne chatted with David Armstrong, DPM, PhD that is by far the most well-known podiatric physician in terms of diabetic foot troubles. During the episode they talked about just how the worlds diabetic population is 3rd only to India and china in total numbers. Additionally, they described that during the length of this live of PodChatLive alone a total of 198 foot and leg amputations would have occurred worldwide. Also, during that time 565 people could possibly have died by problems involving diabetes mellitus. These kinds of statistics are incredible. They referred to that which you as Podiatry practitioners can certainly try to do about it and just how we need to become more assertive to assist this issue. They outlined the way you speak with and educate our patients and just what David’s approach to neuropathic assessment is, and how Diabetic foot ulcers are not unlike training overload injuries.

David Armstrong DPM, PhD is currently a Professor of Surgery at the University of Southern California. David has a Masters of Science in Tissue Repair and Wound Healing from the University of Wales College of Medicine, in the United Kingdom and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Manchester College of Medicine. He is the founder and co-Director of the Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA). He has produced a lot more than 500 peer-reviewed research publications in many scholarly health care journals as well as greater than eighty textbook chapters. David is additionally co-Editor of the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) textbook, Clinical Care of theDiabetic Foot, currently in its third release. David is very well capable of take a look at diabetic foot concerns.

Injection Therapy for Foot Conditions

Using injection treatments to manage a variety of orthopedic disorders is frequently done. But there is plenty of controversy concerning when is the optimum time to apply it. One example is, should injections be used at the start of the acute phase or later on when the problem is more long-term. An episode of the livestream talk show for Podiatrists named PodChatLive was devoted to this exact theme along with the concerns that surrounded the use of injections for soft tissue conditions generally and in the feet in particular. PodChatLive is a live show which goes out on Facebook and so the 2 presenters as well as their guest can respond to questions. After the livestream, the recording is then submitted to YouTube and the podcast edition is made accessible as a Podcast. It is free and greatly followed by podiatry practitioners.

On the livestream on musculoskeletal injections the hosts spoke with the Consultant Podiatric Surgeon, Ian Reilly. He and the hosts discussed that the evidence base for injection therapy most likely is not being what it could possibly be, and the underpinnings of this absence of evidence and clinical outcomes. He was also refreshingly honest about how he makes use of it in his clinical practice in the context of a multidimensional solution to musculoskeletal disorders. Ian additionally discussed the top 3 problems that he injects on a regular basis, along with the most frequent complications he comes across when doing that. Ian Reilly qualified as a Podiatric Surgeon in 1996 and has now carried out over 13,000 surgeries and also over 8000 foot and ankle injections. He is a Fellow of the College of Podiatry (Surgery) and is on the Directorate of Podiatric Surgery Board of Examiners. He has co-authored the book Foot and Ankle Injection Techniques: A Practical Guide that's been selling well for many years. Ian has operative rights at several hospitals within Northamptonshire in the United Kingdom and works both privately and within the NHS.

How can Podiatrists do Social Media Marketing?

Social media is an fundamental component of any business’s marketing and advertising approach, so it wasn't surprising that an episode of the live show for Podiatrists, PodCHatLive would devote the topic to social media marketing intended for podiatry busineses. PodChatLive is a regular live stream on Facebook that is hosted by Craig Payne from Australia and Ian Griffiths from the United Kingdom. Ian and Craig have a different guest on for every stream and go over an array of topics, giving answers to queries which have been submitted on the Facebook comments. In the conclusion of the live, the recorded edition is loaded to YouTube as well as the audio versions published as a podcast.

For the episode on social media, the hosts had a chat with Jill Woods and they talked about why health care professionals typically see marketing being a dirty word, and Jill presented good quality details on the way you can certainly re-frame this and use it for the good of the podiatry profession. In addition they talked about the advantages and disadvantages of social media and talked over some of the various social media platforms available and the way to make use of them, and eventually how they may be used for good by every one. There was additionally a conversation about how the professional/governing organisations might or must make use of social media. Jill Woods initially worked in marketing in 1988, well before the internet came into existence and before she had ever heard the word podiatry. Since then Jill has worked in a number of marketing distinct roles as well as trained as a podiatrist before being employed as an associate in a podiatry practice after which running her own private clinic. Jill has extensively lectured on and about podiatry. Jill has since obtained a Masters in adult training & education and commenced 5 different offline and online businesses so as to find something that may complement her nomadic life being a military spouse.