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Self-Massage: Finding your True Self

You can achieve peace and contentment by being closer to yourself. You have many options to connect with your true self. One of them is self-massage.

Regular massage can help keep your body toned, and your mind calm. A massage is a wonderful way to release tension and to feel better about yourself. You will discover where tension is held and how to release it by massaging your body. Self-massage tools from Myotrig also helps you relax your body in a better way. It can also help you to regain your energy.

Self-massage is best done at night before going to bed. To help your hands glide effortlessly over your skin, use an oil or cream.

Start at your feet and stimulate the whole soul of your feet. Next, rub under and around the ankles.

To release knots, move up to the calves of your legs. Massage your knees thoroughly, particularly behind the knees. Next, move up the legs the same way.

  • Start at the front and work your way up. Massage your stomach clockwise.
  • Massage the area from the right side, above the liver and gallbladder (right abdomen side just below the diaphragm), to increase energy flow to the liver. This will help your digestive system function more efficiently.
  • Next, move on to your chest, neck, and heart area. Then, do the same with both arms. It is not easy to massage the back, but it is possible to massage your hips, backs, and buttocks.
  • After massaging your neck and face, finish with a relaxing scalp massage. Oil can also be applied to your scalp, which can be used in the morning to moisturize your hair.
  • Self-massage has the same physical benefits as any massage: it helps your body function better and releases tension from your muscles. But, by massaging your own body, you also get the benefit of connecting with your mind, body, and spirit, and can help you to understand yourself more deeply and live a more fulfilling life.